Timber Frame Custom Home Builders

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31 May 40 Years in the Timber Frame and Cottage Industry

The past 40 years have been years of great change and growth in the timber frame industry and certainly here at Normerica Timber Homes and Cottages.
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01 May Following the Trend: Timber Frame Homes are now Contemporary

Love the idea of a log or timber frame home but also lean towards the clean look of contemporary architecture? Check out our new Bayfield 3945 model.
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01 Nov The Importance of Having an Onsite Craftsman when Building your Custom Timber Frame Home

Thinking of building a timber frame home? Technical representatives are a unique team of experts that understand the intricacies of a timber frame project. Here are some reasons why having an onsite craftsman working with you is an advantage.
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08 Aug Post and Beam Construction Techniques

Post and beam construction allows you to see the supporting frame of a home; it uses upright and horizontal beams. Learn more about post and beam now.
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11 Mar The Strength of Timber Frame House Construction….. part two

Strength of Timber Frame House Construction P2 - A testament to the quality of house construction, 18 red pines fell on the home with NO structural damage
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04 Mar The Strength of Timber Framing Construction

Many appreciate the beauty of our timber framing construction homes. But you might be unaware of the strength timber framing construction has to offer.
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22 Aug Process and Timeline for your Building Project

It is important to understand the steps and timelines of building your dream timber frame home or cottage before you move on to the next step.
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About Normerica

Since 1979, Normerica has created the highest quality timber frame homes and buildings across North America and around the world. Our decades of timber frame experience and expert in-house design capabilities have given us the ability to offer a high level of customization and design flexibility – a key advantage of timber frame homes and post and beam construction.