Post and Beam Construction Techniques

Post and beam construction can be defined as a style of construction that allows you to see the supporting frame of a home; it is a method of building using upright and horizontal beams. This type of construction method is very flexible, allowing the homeowner to have a design that is uniquely their own. Because the beams are usually visible inside the building, post and beam construction often creates interesting and dramatic features in a home.
When you imagine building a home using large timbers, the vision you have in mind is typically a post and beam construction method but if you are looking for a structure with old world style bents using woodwork joinery, you would be more accurate calling it a timber frame structure.
In order to create a durable post and beam construction it requires experienced techniques from your project engineer and your design team. If you are thinking of an open concept space, this type of construction is ideal for you. The structural frame of the building will be carrying the roof load, allowing for the number of interior walls to be reduced, creating a more open area inside the building.
Are you wondering what post and beam construction has to offer? This great article from Houzz will give you the basics of post and beam construction methods. From old-fashioned to contemporary designs, a post and beam flexible construction method will allow you to design the project of your dreams.
Normerica’s decades of experience and talented in-house design team allow us to offer a high level of customization and design flexibility when planning your perfect home or cottage. We have many building plans options available.
Normerica is a great partner if you are a builder or architect interested in working in post and beam construction. If you are a builder or architect looking to use Normerica Timber Frame expertise for your client, get started by downloading our Construction Guide for builders and architects.
Since 1979, Normerica has created the highest quality timber frame homes and buildings across North America and around the world. Our decades of timber frame experience and expert in-house design capabilities have given us the ability to offer a high level of customization and design flexibility – a key advantage of timber frame homes and post and beam construction.
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