Dream in

Welcome to the Normerica blog. Stay up to date on the world of timber frame custom and semi custom home and commercial design and construction.

Exterior Elements of a Stunning Timber Frame House Design

House Design Cheat Sheet for Planning the Exterior of Your Timber Frame Home to Achieve Maximum “Curb Appeal” | Normerica Timber Frame Homes and Cottages

Building a Muskoka Room / Screened In Porch in Your Timber Frame Home

When designing your dream home or cottage, don’t forget to add muskoka room / screened in porch / three season room to your wish list | Normerica

New House Plan: The Britt

Tour of the Britt, a Georgian Bay-inspired Normerica house plan that blends into any georgraphy.

New House Plan: The Bayfield 2.0

Tour of the Bayfield 2.0, a modified Normerica house plan where contemporary meets functionality.

New House Plan: The Kennebec

Tour of the Kennebec, a newly released Normerica house plan that combines functionality and design.

New House Plan: The Rossmore

Tour of a spacious, elegant and traditional newly released house plan called The Rossmore.

Cottage Plan of the Month: The Ranger

Cottage Plan of the Month: The Ranger