Timber Frame Custom Home Builders

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19 Feb How Much Does A Custom Home Cost? 7 Factors That Drive Prices

How much does a custom home or custom timber frame home cost? Here are 7 factors that drive prices...
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31 Dec The Timber Frame Experts: Focus in Business, Dec. 2012

In 1979, after gaining several years’ experience working for a large development company, David McFarlane stumbled across an article about post and beam construction – and was instantly hooked. Mr. Mc
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11 Dec A 10 Step Flexible Process To Building A Custom Home

A 10 Step Flexible Process To Building A Custom Home
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30 Nov 3 Step Video Guide To Building A Custom Timber Frame Home

3 Step Video Guide To Building A Custom Timber Frame Home
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08 Nov Cottage Plan of the Month: The Ranger

Cottage Plan of the Month: The Ranger
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26 Oct 12 Things You Should Ask Your Cottage Home Builder

12 Things you should ask your home builder when you are about to build a cottage, be it a timber frame design, a log home or a traditional custom home.
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18 Oct Cottage Plan of the Month: The Perrault

Cottage Plan of the Month: The Perrault
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05 Oct Meet Roman, Custom Home Designer

To give some insight into the design function and process of a timber frame home we interviewed Roman, our senior designer at Normerica.
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09 Sep Building A Custom Cottage Home On An Island, Part I

See how this island cottage will blend into the natural surroundings, including the gorgeous trees and shoreline. Normerica Timber Frame Island Cottage
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17 Aug Welcome To Blog, Post & Beam: the blog of Normerica Authentic Timber Frame

Welcome To Blog, Post & Beam: the blog of Normerica Authentic Timber Frame
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About Normerica

Since 1979, Normerica has created the highest quality timber frame homes and buildings across North America and around the world. Our decades of timber frame experience and expert in-house design capabilities have given us the ability to offer a high level of customization and design flexibility – a key advantage of timber frame homes and post and beam construction.