Timber Frame Custom Home Builders

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13 Jun Building an Energy Efficient Home in the United States

If you are located in the United States you should be maximizing your opportunities to build an energy efficient home. Normerica has many options for you.
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07 Jun The Real Cost of Building a Timber Frame Home

The costs of building a timber frame home can vary greatly. In this blog we help you understand these costs of building your custom timber frame home.
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28 May Have you considered an Environmentally Friendly Home?

If you choose to use timber to build or renovate your house, you will be using very little energy to convert the wood in the trees to the timber used in building, you will spend less time to build your house since timber can be partly pre-cut, modulated and built to precision.
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11 May Why is it a challenge to get a cost estimate for a custom timber frame home?

Find out what information it's important for you to have in mind when you're looking for a price for your custom timber frame home.
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27 Apr How to Choose the Right Custom Home Builder For Your Timber Frame Home

The first step in ensuring that you have a smooth and stress-free experience with your custom home builders is picking an expert that you can trust.
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11 Apr Get Ready for Spring with the 2018 Cottage Life & Backyard Show

Discover what the team at Normerica Timber Homes & Cottages is excited to check out at the Ottawa 2018 Spring Cottage Life & Backyard Show while you plan for your new custom timber cottage.
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20 Mar Planning a Timber Frame Cottage? Visit the Spring Cottage Life Show!

Discover what the team at Normerica Timber Homes & Cottages is excited to check out at the Toronto 2018 Spring Cottage Life Show while you plan for your new custom timber frame home or cottage.
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12 Mar Introduction to Post and Beam Construction

Find out how post and beam construction differs from traditional framing, and discover how it can simplify the entire building process.
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12 Dec How to Start Building a House (Without Becoming Overwhelmed)

Planning a custom home can be daunting, so here are the 8 steps in building your dream custom timber home or cottage from start to finish.
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17 Oct Peek at Perfection – Our Homes Magazine, Fall 2017

Peek at Perfection – Our Homes Magazine, Fall 2017
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About Normerica

Since 1979, Normerica has created the highest quality timber frame homes and buildings across North America and around the world. Our decades of timber frame experience and expert in-house design capabilities have given us the ability to offer a high level of customization and design flexibility – a key advantage of timber frame homes and post and beam construction.