Timber Frame Custom Home Builders

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15 Dec This is the house that love built

This is the house that love built
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19 May Normerica gives back

Normerica Timber Homes employees ran/walked to support the Southlake Regional Health Cancer Centre on April 26th.
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11 Mar The Strength of Timber Frame House Construction….. part two

Strength of Timber Frame House Construction P2 - A testament to the quality of house construction, 18 red pines fell on the home with NO structural damage
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04 Mar The Strength of Timber Framing Construction

Many appreciate the beauty of our timber framing construction homes. But you might be unaware of the strength timber framing construction has to offer.
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15 Jan Contemporary Timber Homes

Contemporary Timber Homes
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06 Nov Outdoor Living Spaces

Timber homes and cottages are beautiful buildings and great places in which to live, however have you considered other timber applications?
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15 Aug Top ten favourites

Top ten favourites
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30 Jun How to avoid surprises in your cottage project

How to avoid surprises in your cottage project
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09 May Top 10 Favourite Designs

Top 10 Favourite Designs
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10 Mar The Fuss About Trusses

The Fuss About Trusses
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About Normerica

Since 1979, Normerica has created the highest quality timber frame homes and buildings across North America and around the world. Our decades of timber frame experience and expert in-house design capabilities have given us the ability to offer a high level of customization and design flexibility – a key advantage of timber frame homes and post and beam construction.